Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Power of the Playlist

I've found that as I research different races to sign up for, some do not allow iPods/MP3 players to be used while you're running. Crazy! That's a serious deterrent for me. My iPod is what gets me through long runs, or really any type of workout for that matter. Music is extremely powerful. When you think about it, many important moments in our lives are celebrated through it, and it has the power to make you happy, sad, angry, sentimental or anything in between.

Everyone has different music that motivates them. I, embarrassingly, listen to all kinds of bad pop when I work out because that's what gets me going. It's the guilty pleasure songs that keep me running when I start feeling the fatigue set in. In my opinion, a well constructed playlist can make you work out a little longer or a little harder. For example, I have Kayne West's "Stronger" at the end of my running playlist and that almost always makes me go a little faster to finish up the workout. It's important to choose music that inspires and/or motivates you, whether lyrically or the sounds themselves.

I've also used music as a motivator in itself. Whenever I don't really fell like exercising or I haven't been the gym in awhile, I hop on iTunes and buy a song or two that I know I will look forward to hearing during a workout. Or sometimes I just make a new playlist with songs I like but haven't heard in awhile. Either way, it's taking you from the contemplating stage (I'm sort of thinking I should go to the gym) to the action stage (I'm preparing to go).

Buying music can also be an inexpensive non-food reward for when you're doing well in your wellness program. Say you are finally able to run that 9 or 10 minute mile, or you've just lost your first 10 pounds. Instead of celebrating through food or drink ("I deserve a cupcake for all my hard work!"), buy yourself a new cd or a few new songs. It will keep you going and give you a sense of satisfaction that you are rewarding yourself in a healthy way.

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