Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reading list

If you've ever gone to the library or Barnes & Noble looking for a diet or health book, you know there are an infinite amount. Some are downright ridiculous (Lose 5 pounds in one day?) and some are actually pretty good. I've probably at least skimmed most of them out there, and here are a few that I like:

1. Jackie Warner "This is Why You're Fat" - It's a harsh title, but sometimes you need some tough love! If you're not familiar with Jackie WaIner, she's a personal trainer who has her own gym and has had a couple of shows on Bravo. She is in crazy, crazy good shape because her programs have a big emphasis on weights, which I to agree with to some extent. She explains how weight training can really impact weight loss, and she definitely has the results to back it up. I also like the focus on cutting out sugar. This modification is what I feel really jump started my own weight loss. I was a full on sugar addict, eating candy and other crap just because it fit into my daily calorie budget. Once I cut it out, I really got the momentum going. Another thing I enjoyed about Jackie's plan was the list of staple meals to eat everyday. It helped me tremendously to have a couple of specific "super meals" that I knew were good and that kept me from having to think about what I was going to eat every 2 hours.

2. Health Magazine "Carb Lovers Diet" - While I'm not in love with this book, it's still a good basic plan with tasty food that is essentially good for you. It's realistic in the real world, and that goes a long way with me. Basically, this plan calls for eating a "resistant starch" carb at every meal that will keep you fuller for a longer period of time. Luckily, potatoes are on that list so that's pretty exciting, especially since they are kind of a no-no on other diets. Anyway, it's a good starter plan but I'm not sure how effective it is if you only have a few more pounds to lose.

3. Bethenny Frankel "Naturally Thin" - I'm a huge fan of hers! She went to school to be a natural foods chef, so her plan is centered around clean eating. It's easy to read, funny, and easy to relate to as well. How could I not recommend someone who invented a line of reduced calorie cocktails?!?! (Side note: I also just finished her self-helpish book "A Place of Yes," and it was really, really good! It's especially helpful if you're thinking about making any changes in your life.)

4. David Zinczenko "Eat This, Not That" - This is more of a recipe book, but I highly recommend it! It's basically healthy versions of favorite restaurant and comfort foods. I personally modify the recipes even more, but it's pretty good as is, especially for beginners. He also has variations of this book for drinks, the grocery store, and an actual diet plan book. Needed have a male represent in this list :)

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